How to conduct a hiring manager interview with a candidate.
About the Role #
Some info about what success looks like, the kinds of things we’re looking for
Intro/what we want (10 min) #
- Someone who’s a good communicator, good facilitator, and doesn’t mind not knowing the answer.
- You should be very comfortable negotiating between business objectives and user needs.
- You’ll want to be able to show me how you work, what matters to you, and how you manage being resilient in a project.
Warm up #
- Icebreaker question
Portfolio Review (30 min) #
Have them walk through one to two projects which demonstrate two things:
- Their personal aesthetic.
- Their best design thinking. a. This can be for mobile, b2c, or b2b.
We prefer to see working software and working files.
Here’s what we’re looking for in the presentation #
- How clear is the narrative in their presentation?
- What goals did they establish? Did they meet them?
- How thoughtful and detailed are their visual designs?
- How did they know they were solving the right problem?
- What accessibility considerations did they make when designing?
- Did they talk to the people who will use what they designed? What was the process like?
- What was the biggest challenge with this?
- If they could go back and do it again, what would they do differently?
Process and Experience #
- Describe your process as a designer. What’s most exciting to you?
- How does your org understand UX and UI? How’d it change over time?
Wrap Up (20 min) #
- What’s an area you want to grow in right now? What do you want to get better at this year?
- What are you reading about design that’s exciting you? What about non-design stuff?
- What’s one thing you’ve changed your mind on in the last year?
- What questions do you have for me?
Logistics #
- Talk about commute, travel, comp, timing if you haven’t already.